One Rep Max Calculator

Utilize our 1RM calculator to gauge the maximum weight you can lift for a single repetition.


Your one rep max is 66.7 kg

What is a 1RM? 1RM is an acronym for one-repetition maximum. It represents the highest amount of weight you can successfully lift for a single repetition. Similarly, your 2RM signifies the maximum weight you can handle for two consecutive repetitions, while 3RM indicates the maximum weight for three consecutive repetitions, and so forth.

Estimated Rep Maxes (1-10)

Percentage of 1RMLift WeightRepetitions of 1RM
100%66.7 kg1
94%62.7 kg2
91%60.7 kg3
88%58.7 kg4
86%57.3 kg5
83%55.3 kg6
81%54.0 kg7
79%52.7 kg8
77%51.3 kg9
75%50.0 kg10

How to Enhance Your 1RM (One-Repetition Maximum)

Boosting your 1RM entails enhancing your maximal strength. There are numerous approaches to achieving this, with the three primary ones being the improvement of:

  • Muscle Mass: Increasing muscle size equates to increased force production. To efficiently build muscle, explore our muscle group training guides available on this page. Technique: Enhancing your technique enables you to better utilize your existing muscle.
  • Technique: Enhancing your technique enables you to better utilize your existing muscle mass. Refer to our exercise technique guides, particularly those for the squat, bench press, and deadlift, for valuable insights.
  • Neuromuscular Efficiency: The final component of the equation revolves around how effectively your muscles activate, contract, and coordinate. Our strength training programs are highly effective for enhancing neuromuscular efficiency while concurrently promoting muscle growth.

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