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Decline Skull Crusher - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

Muscles involved

  • Triceps

    Also known as

    • Decline Triceps Extension
    • Decline French Press
    • Decline Nose Breaker

    How to perform

    Decline Skull Crusher - Starting position

    Decline Skull Crusher - Starting position

    Decline Skull Crusher - Muscle Under Tension

    Decline Skull Crusher - Muscle Under Tension

    1. Set up & Starting position (lying or seated with specific machine)
      Lie down on a decline bench between 15 and 20 degrees in a secured position.
      Grasp the weight using a close pronated (overhand) grip, and carefully lift it onto your chest. Press the weight up so that your arms are vertical, elbow slightly bent.

    2. Eccentric phase
      Keeping your upper arms fixed, inhale as you flex your elbows and lower the weight toward your face in a smooth semicircular motion.

    3. Concentric phase
      Exhale as you extend your elbows until the weight returns to the starting position.

    Doing the movement on a decline bench reduces the long-head involvement, so more of the emphasis falls on the lateral triceps head.

    Exercise Alternatives