Incline Close Grip Push Up - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives
Muscles involved
- Triceps
- Deltoids
- Pectorals
- Abdominals
Also known as
- Incline Triceps Push Up
How to perform

Incline Triceps Push Up - Starting position

Incline Triceps Push Up - Muscle Under Tension
Set up & Starting position (prone lying with hands elevated)
Grab a bench, a bar or the edges of a stable table and get into a plank position: standing on your toes, legs extended and body straight. Your hands are placed either directly under your shoulders or closer together. Contract your abdominal muscles so that your back is not hollow. -
Eccentric phase
Keep your body straight and your elbows tucked in as you lower your chest onto your hands.
Get down as low as possible. -
Isometric hold (optional) - Hold the position for a few seconds, using an isometric contraction of the triceps and pectorals.
Concentric phase
Push your body back up to the starting position and repeat.
Incline Push Up is ideal for beginners who want to quickly master and progress Push-Up. You can gradually increase the difficulty by lowering the surface you are holding onto. The easiest variation is to press up against a wall.