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Overhead Extension - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

Muscles involved

  • Triceps

    Also known as

    • Triceps Extension
    • French Press

    How to perform

    Overhead Extension - Starting position

    Overhead Extension - Starting position

    Overhead Extension - Muscle Under Tension

    Overhead Extension - Muscle Under Tension

    1. Set up & Starting position (standing, seated)
      Standing or sitting on a flat bench with your back straight, grasp the weight(s) with a neutral grip and lift it straight over your head with your elbows tucked in and your biceps near your ears.

    2. Eccentric phase
      Without moving your upper arms, inhale as you lower the weight(s) slowly behind your head by flexing your elbows until you feel a stretch in the triceps.

    3. Isometric hold (optional) - Pause.

    4. Concentric phase
      Exhale as you raise the weight over your head by extending your elbows back to the starting position. Repeat.

    Exercise Alternatives