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Incline Reverse Curl - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

Muscles involved

  • Biceps
  • Forearms

    Also known as

    • N/A

    How to perform

    Incline Reverse Curl - Starting position

    Incline Reverse Curl - Starting position

    Incline Reverse Curl - Muscle Under Tension

    Incline Reverse Curl - Muscle Under Tension

    1. Set up & Starting position (seated incline)
      Set a bench at a 45 or 60-degree incline. Grab a weight in each hand, lie on the bench so your back is flat against it and allow your arms to hang straight down by your sides then turn your wrists inwards into a pronate position (palms face down).

    2. Concentric phase
      While your upper arms still and perpendicular to the floor, slowly curl the weight toward your shoulders by moving your forearms toward your biceps. Keep lifting until the tops of your forearms make forceful contact with your biceps.

    3. Isometric hold (optional) - Hold the contraction for a moment.

    4. Eccentric phase
      Lower the weight to the starting position and repeat the movement.

    Common Mistakes & Tips

    Reverse Curl emphasizes the forearm extensors and is particularly effective in building up the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles in order to make your arms look wider. Using a thumbless grip will prevent the bar from resting on your thumb and force your brachioradialis to work even harder.

    Exercise Alternatives