Triceps Pushdown - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives
Muscles involved
- Triceps
Also known as
- Overhand Triceps Pushdown
- Pronated Triceps Pushdown
- Cable Triceps Pushdown
- Triceps Extension
How to perform

Triceps Pushdown - Starting position

Triceps Pushdown - Muscle Under Tension
Set up & Starting position (standing)
Stand tall in font of the cable pulley or a band and grab the handles with both hands, shoulder width apart. Pull the weight down until your forearms are parallel to the floor with your elbows close to your body by your sides. -
Eccentric phase
Moving only your forearms, push the weight down until your arms are fully extended. -
Isometric hold (optional) - Squeeze your triceps and hold for a count of one.
Concentric phase
With control, let the weight up to the start position moving your forearms only. Repeat.
Switch between attachments (straight bar, V-shaped bar, rope, stirrups) and change your grip position (overhand, neutral, underhand) to vary the activation of the triceps muscle.

Pronation or Overhand Grip - Thumbs in

Neutral or Parallel Grip - Palms facing, forearms in neutral position

Supination or Underhand Grip - Thumbs out