Reverse Hyperextension - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives
Muscles involved
- Glutes
- Lower back
- Hamstrings
- Adductors
- Abductors
Also known as
- Hip Extension
- Reverse Hip Raise
How to perform

Reverse Hyperextension - Starting position

Reverse Hyperextension - Muscle Under Tension
Set up & Starting position (prone lying with chest support)
Lay face down on the pad with your lower body hanged out, your hips right on the edge of the pad. Secure your position either by holding tightly to the handles or edge of the box or bench. -
Concentric phase
Keeping the legs straight, raise your legs by using your glutes and lower back upwards until they are in line with your torso. -
Isometric hold (optional) - Hold the position for 2-3 seconds.
Eccentric phase
Slowly lower your legs back down with control and repeat.