Close Grip Shoulder Press - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives
Muscles involved
- Deltoids
- Triceps
- Pectorals
Also known as
- Close Grip Overhead Press
- Narrow Overhead Press
- Close Grip Military Press
- Hammer Shoulder Press
How to perform

Close Grip Shoulder Press - Starting position

Close Grip Shoulder Press - Muscle Under Tension
Set up & Starting position (standing or seated)
Hold the weight in each hand and position them in front of your shoulders with elbows below wrists and your palms should be facing each other (i.e. neutral or parallel grip, unless you are using a bar or smith machine).
Your forearms should be in a vertical position, straight up and down. -
Concentric phase
Push the weight up until arms are extended overhead. -
Isometric hold (optional) - Hold for a second at the top of the movement.
Eccentric phase
Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position and repeat.
Depending on your goal and/or shoulder mobility, you may switch between narrow and wide grip. The Shoulder Press, with a standart and wider grip, focuses on the front and mid delts, while the close grip variation involves the upper chest and triceps much more.