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Incline Hammer Curl - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

Muscles involved

  • Biceps
  • Forearms

    Also known as

    • N/A

    How to perform

    Incline Hammer Curl - Starting position

    Incline Hammer Curl - Starting position

    Incline Hammer Curl - Muscle Under Tension

    Incline Hammer Curl - Muscle Under Tension

    1. Set up & Starting position (seated incline)
      Set a bench at a 45 or 60-degree incline. Lie on the bench so your back is flat against it while holding a weight in each hand with a neutral grip. Allow your arms to hang straight down by your sides.

    2. Concentric phase
      Contract your biceps and slowly curl the weights towards your shoulders while keeping your upper arms still (and perpendicular to the floor) and a neutral grip (thumbs up).

    3. Isometric hold (optional) - Squeeze your biceps.

    4. Eccentric phase
      Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat.

    Exercise Variations

    Can be perform standing either leaned on your shoulders against a wall with your upper arms resting on the wall, or with a cable machine (pulleys in low position) step forward so that your arms are slightly extended behind your back.

    Exercise Alternatives