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Crossbody Triceps Extension - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

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Muscles involved

  • Triceps

    Also known as

    • Triceps Extension
    • Crossover Triceps Pushdown

    How to perform

    Cross Body Triceps Extension - Starting position

    Cross Body Triceps Extension - Starting position

    Cross Body Triceps Extension - Muscle Under Tension

    Cross Body Triceps Extension - Muscle Under Tension

    1. Set up & Starting position (standing, lying)
      Lay down on the bench and hold the weight straight up over your shoulder with your right arm.

    2. Eccentric phase
      Bend your elbow and slowly drop the weight toward your opposite side until it touches your shoulder while keeping your upper arm in place.

    3. Concentric phase
      Reverse the move, bring the weight back up and repeat.

    Exercise Alternatives