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Underhand Pulldown - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

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Muscles involved

  • Lats
  • Biceps
  • Rhomboids
  • Deltoids
  • Forearms

How to perform

Underhand Pulldown - Starting position

Underhand Pulldown - Starting position

Underhand Pulldown - Muscle Under Tension

Underhand Pulldown - Muscle Under Tension

  1. Set up & Starting position (seated)
    With your back straight, grab the bar with an underhand grip (shoulder width or less), your arms fully extended.

  2. Concentric phase
    While slightly leaning back, brace your core, bring your shoulder blades down and back, and pull the bar down until it touches the top of your rib cage.

  3. Isometric hold (optional) - Pause briefly at the bottom, squeeze your lat and shoulder blades, keep your chest up and the elbows close to your body.

  4. Eccentric phase
    Slowly return to the starting position when your arms are fully extended and the lats are fully stretched. Repeat.

Exercise Alternatives