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Hip Abduction - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

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Muscles involved

  • Abductors
  • Glutes

Also known as

  • Side Leg Lift
  • Side Leg Raise
  • Side Kick

How to perform

Hip Abduction - Starting position

Hip Abduction - Starting position

Hip Abduction - Muscle Under Tension

Hip Abduction - Muscle Under Tension

  1. Set up & Starting position (lying, standing or seated)
    This exercise can be perform lying, standing or seated depending on the equipment.

  2. Eccentric phase
    Keep your leg straight and slowly lift it in a lateral direction. Exhale during this portion of the exercise.

  3. Isometric hold (optional) - Hold for 2 seconds.

  4. Concentric phase
    Slowly lower your leg back down and repeat.