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Rear Delt Row - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

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Muscles involved

  • Deltoids
  • Trapezes
  • Rhomboids
  • Biceps
  • Lats

Also known as

  • Seal Row

How to perform

Rear Delt Row - Starting Position

Rear Delt Row - Starting Position

Rear Delt Row - Muscle Under Tension

Rear Delt Row - Muscle Under Tension

Wide Grip - Arms over 45 degree with torso

Wide Grip - Arms over 45 degree with torso

  1. Set up & Starting position (bent over or prone-lying with chest support, standing or seated with cable machine or elastic band)
    Grasp weight with wide overhand grip, arms straight front.

  2. Concentric phase
    Lift weight by pulling elbows to the side toward the back keeping upper arm perpendicular to torso.

  3. Isometric hold (optional) - Hold a seconds, elbows 90 degree angled at shoulders height.

  4. Eccentric phase
    Lower weight back down slowly to straight arm position. Repeat.

Exercise Alternatives