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Curtsy Lunge - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

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Muscles involved

  • Glutes
  • Quadriceps
  • Adductors
  • Abductors
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves

Also known as

  • Crossover Lunge
  • Rear Cross Lunge

How to perform

Curtsy Lunge - Starting position

Curtsy Lunge - Starting position

Curtsy Lunge - Muscle Under Tension

Curtsy Lunge - Muscle Under Tension

Stepping Backward

Stepping Backward

  1. Set up & Starting position (standing)
    Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.

  2. Eccentric phase
    Step backward with one leg, crossing it behind the other leg and land on forefoot. Lower your body until until your back knee almost touches the ground with your front knee at 90 degrees. Make sure the front knee is aligned with your front ankle.

  3. Concentric phase
    Push through your front heel to stand back up and straighten your left leg.
    Move immediately into the next rep using the same leg or alternating until complete all your reps each sides.

Exercise Alternatives