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Hip Adduction - Instructions, Variations & Alternatives

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Muscles involved

  • Adductors

    Also known as

    • Inner Thigh Lift
    • Inner Leg Lift
    • Inner Leg Raise

    How to perform

    Hip Adduction - Starting position

    Hip Adduction - Starting position

    Hip Adduction - Muscle Under Tension

    Hip Adduction - Muscle Under Tension

    1. Set up & Starting position (lying, standing or seated)
      This exercise can be perform lying, standing or seated depending on the equipment.

    2. Eccentric phase
      Keep your body and leg straight and bring your leg into the center and across the opposite leg as far as possible, keeping your toes pointed straight ahead.

    3. Isometric hold (optional) - Hold the position a second.

    4. Concentric phase
      Slowly return to the starting position and repeat. Switch sides and repeat the exercise with your opposite leg.

    Exercise Alternatives